Review Class Information

When you save information about a new class, a summary screen displays, showing the schedule, location, and equipment associated each class session.

Use this screen to further refine your plans on a session by session basis.

The buttons and icons on the screen perform the following functions.

Icon Action Description
Edit Class Click this button to change basic information about the class, such as its name, capacity, or grading information.
Add Instructor Click this button to change the instructor for the class or add an additional instructor.
More Options > View All Classes Use this option to see a list of all of your organization’s classes.
More Options > View All Courses Use this option to see a list of all of your organization’s courses.
Save Location Select Enter your own location or Room Reservation, specify a location, and click this button to change the location of all future class sessions.

If you want to change the location of individual sessions, use the Edit Session option.

If you change the location of a session, all of the equipment reservations will be lost, but the equipment in the new location will be reserved.

Edit Session Click this icon next to a session to change the schedule, location, or equipment for the session.

If you change the location of a session, all of the equipment reservations will be lost, but the equipment in the new location will be reserved.

Delete Session Click this icon next to a session to delete it.